Buzz Feiten, the inventor of The Buzz Feiten Tuning System, introduces the Blues Pro guitar. They are the same as Buzz plays on stage and in studio. These are no-nonsense rock machines designed by one of the top studio players. Combining a Maple body with a flame Maple top, 25.5″ scale, Grover tuners and custom Buzz Feiten pickups (there is no cover on the bridge humbucker pickup for a more agressive sound). Designed by Buzz Feiten with consulting by Tom Anderson and Tommy Rosmond.
“The Blues Pro is for serious players who really want to rip it up. It really speaks to my heart, as all my models do, but the Blues Pro really has something quite special. In this model I wanted it to be a little over the top & aggressive and… it works just great!” (Buzz Feiten)
Buzz Feiten Blues Pro Trans Red features:
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